
Lauren Howie Laur Photography

  /  Photographer   /  Welcome to my site!

Hey folks,
First blog post and I’m beyond excited for you to check out my new website and be a part of this journey with me. 
I’m Lauren; a mom, photographer and lover of the woods. Thanks for being here and taking the time out of your day to take a peek at my work. I truly love the medium of photography and what it offers. 
I remember as a young girl looking through old family photo albums, listening to my parents and grandparents share stories and memories of years past. Those photographs allowed them to relive celebrations and special moments. 
Now as a mother, I am constantly reminded how fast time flies by and what wonderful joy photography brings me. Capturing fleeting moments of laughter and love with my own family and for my clients. Giving the gift of memory to my clients and offering them little “moments in time” is why I love being a photographer. 

I’m looking forward to sharing what’s happening with Lauren Howie Laur Photography, all the ups and downs of being a full time mom and full time business owner and posting all of the lovely faces of my rockstar clients.


Memories with the ones we love.



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